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Friday 19 July 2013


The Death

Sent By: Muslim

It was Monday morning, the ninth of Rabi-ul-Awwal, the Year of the Elephant, either the twentieth or twenty-second of April, 571 years after Hadhrat Esa, when Muhammad, the Master of prophets, the reason for creation, the blessing for all the worlds, the seal of all ambassadors from Allah, was born in Bani Hashim lane in Makkah.
He was Muhammad bin ‘Abdullah bin ‘Abdul-Mutthalib (Shaybah) bin Hashim, (‘Amr) bin ‘Abd Munaf (Al-Mugheerah) bin Qussay (Zayd) bin Kilab bin Murrah bin Ka‘b bin Lo’i bin Ghalib bin Fahr (who was called Quraish and whose tribe was called after him) bin Malik bin An-Nadr (Qays) bin Kinana bin Khuzaiman bin Mudrikah (‘Amir) bin Elias bin Mudar bin Nizar bin Ma‘ad bin ‘Adnan
Hadhrat Aminah had been attended by Shafaa, the mother of Abdur Rahman for the birth. Hadhrat Aminah said, “When he (Muhammad) was born, there was a light that issued out of my womb and lit the palaces of Syria." 
Her blessed baby was delivered prostrating upon his tiny hands and knees. He then sneezed and said, "Al Hamdulillah" -- praise be to Allah -- whereupon a voice from the heavens replied, "May Allah have mercy upon you." This was the same kalimah uttered by the first man and prophet Allah ta’ala made, Hadhrat Adam alaihis salaam. And the answer too was identical.  
As Shafaa looked out into the night sky the horizon became illuminated so that the very distant castles of Greece became clearly visible to her. The beautiful baby was born without a trace of dirt upon him, and a sweet aroma caressed his perfect little body. Lady Aminah remembered the instruction she had been given in a vision she had had and supplicated to Allah with it for her little son. 
She was at her uncle's house at the time and immediately sent word to Abdul Mutthalib to come and see his grandson. He came at once and took the boy in his arms and went him to his favourite place, the Ka'bah. There he said a prayer of thanks to Allah for delivering this gift safe and sound.
Before returning his new grandson to Lady Aminah he went home to show him to his own family. Standing at the door waiting for his father's return was his three year old son Abbas. Lovingly, Abdul Mutthalib told his son, "Abbas, this is your brother, give him a kiss," so Abbas, who was in reality his uncle, bent over and kissed his new baby brother. After everyone had admired the baby, Abd Al Mutthalib returned to Lady Aminah and in accordance with her vision and a vision Abdul Mutthalib had seen, the baby was named ‘Muhammad’. When people asked why they had named him Muhammad they replied, "To be praised in the heavens and earth." Before that time the name Muhammad was little known and no other child had ever been given that special name. Abu Talib's house, the house in which the Holy Prophet sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam was born, exists even today and is used as an Islamic library. 
The first woman to nurse Muhammad sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam after his mother was Thuwaybah, the slave-girl of Abu Lahab who had also nursed his uncle Hamzah bin Abdul Mutthalib and later nursed his cousin, Abu Salamah bin 'Abdul Asad.