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Thursday, 13 June 2013

Dua Is An Act of Worship

We Muslims makes Dua to Allah SWT and ask for different needs and end of our problems. Some people asks for money, some for health and some for guidance of right path. But do you know Doing Dua is also an act of Worship and you get virtue just for making Dua even though we do Dua for our own needs.

Prophet Muhammad SAW said in an Hadith that the Dua is Worship. so this Hadith of Prophet SAW clearly says that Dua is Worship and we all know that doing Worship of Allah SWT is a virtue.

Allah SWT has said in the Quran "Call on Me; I will answer your (Prayer). so we should always try to do Dua from core of our hearts. it will not only benefit here but in hereafter as well.